Adopted by President’s Cabinet 5/16/22; Revised 1/5/24


十大正规网赌平台 (EGSC) provides “electronic mail” (email) accounts for 所有在职教职员工和学生.

这些电子邮件账户被视为学术和商业交流工具. 这 政策将EGSC可接受使用政策(AUP)扩展到电子邮件的使用. 在提供 and maintaining its electronic communication infrastructure, EGSC complies with applicable 联邦、州和地方法律.

EGSC will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its 电子邮件系统, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information. Because of the nature and technology of email, the College can assure neither the privacy of an individual user's use of the College's email resources nor the confidentiality of unencrypted messages that may be created, transmitted, received, or stored thereby.


The purpose of this policy is to define the proper uses of email and email accounts 有关EGSC网络. 请参阅可接受使用政策(AUP)了解有关的更多信息 正确使用电脑及网络.


这 policy covers all 电子邮件系统 utilized by EGSC, EGSC departmental email accounts, 所有个人都有电子邮件账号. EGSC电子邮件技术的所有用户 must abide by the provisions of this policy and all terms and conditions set forth 在此. 使用EGSC电子邮件,就像使用任何其他大学提供的技术一样 resources, is subject to the normal requirements of legal and ethical behavior within 大学社区以及所有适用的政策和程序.


EGSC email accounts are provided for the purpose of facilitating the business of the 大学. 电子邮件是EGSC的官方通信方式. 因此,学院 will send communications to faculty, staff and students via email and expects that 将及时收到和阅读这些来文.

Email is considered an insecure method of transmitting sensitive data unless special 采取预防措施. 敏感资料不应以电子方式传送 messaging even to other authorized users unless security methods, such as encryption, 有工作.

电子邮件不是私人的. 在EGSC上编写、发送或接收的所有消息 email system are and remain the property of EGSC and the 佐治亚大学系统. 它们不是任何用户的私有财产. 它们可能会被披露为 公开记录请求的结果. EGSC有权检查、复制、储存、 and disclose at any time the contents of email messages stored on or transmitted through its facilities when the 大学 believes it is appropriate to prevent or correct improper use, satisfy a legal obligation, or insure proper operation of the email facilities.


  1. Sending unsolicited email messages via an EGSC email account, including the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically 禁止索取此类材料(垃圾邮件).
  2. Any form of harassment occurring via an EGSC email account, computer system, telephone, 禁止使用传呼装置或任何其他形式的电子通讯设备.
  3. 未经授权使用或伪造电子邮件标题信息是不允许的.
  4. Solicitation of email for any other email address, other than that of the poster's 帐户,意图骚扰或收集回复是不允许的.
  5. 创建或转发“连锁信件”、“庞氏骗局”或其他任何“金字塔”骗局 不允许使用类型.
  6. Posting the same or similar non-business-related messages to large numbers of Usenet 十大正规网投平台组(十大正规网投平台组垃圾邮件)是不允许的.
  7. Soliciting using email (or any other form) for purpose of requesting money, support or participation for products, groups, organizations or causes which are unrelated 对EGSC.
  8. EGSC电子邮件系统的用户只能在support中使用自己的EGSC电子邮件帐户 学术追求和/或大学业务.
  9. A user of the EGSC email system who suspects their email account has been accessed or utilized by an unauthorized party should contact the College's 信息技术 尽快通知部门.
  10. 因为EGSC官方要和学生沟通 & 员工是通过他们的EGSC发送的 email accounts, and because the College cannot guarantee the functionality of external/third-party 电子邮件系统(i).e.,雅虎邮件,Gmail等.),而EGSC的学生和员工则不是 allowed to enable/configure email forwarding on their EGSC email address to external/third-party 电子邮件系统.
  11. Anyone needing to utilize an EGSC email listserv must obtain permission from the VP 向资讯科技署查询.
  12. 将任何违反这些政策的行为报告给 abuseFREEOMNIUPDATE 或联络EGSC资讯科技部.



  1. New students email accounts are created without the request of the student at the 入学时间及入职/登记前.
  2. Readmitted students’ email account will be recreated/reactivated upon full acceptance 为重新接纳.
  3. Student email accounts names are system generated and can only be changed as a result 正式更名. 学生必须首先申请正式更名 在注册办公室. 一旦名称更改处理完毕,Information Technology Department will create the new email and GA View D2L accounts and transfer 将任何现有的“收件箱”电子邮件发送到新电子邮件帐户. 一个“前进”将是暂时的 be put on the student's old email account for two weeks so that any email going to 旧的电子邮件帐户将转到新的电子邮件帐户.

    Notification that the new accounts are active will be sent to the “old” email account.

    It will be the responsibility of the student to transfer any email messages from their 发送或其他个人文件夹,包括过滤器和其他网络邮件设置. 它是 also recommended that the student inform their instructors and other individuals who 定期给他们发电子邮件,告知他们新的电子邮件账户信息.
  4. 学生的电子邮件密码来源于学生所知道的信息. 不 与任何人分享你的密码. 认为自己的密码被泄露的学生 可透过电话联络EGSC资讯科技,要求更改密码 电话:478-289-2004或电子邮件 csworkFREEOMNIUPDATE 使用他们的电子邮件帐户.  学生也可以到学校资讯科技中心学习 help desk at Swainsboro and Statesboro locations and provide proper picture identification 发给一名资讯科技职员.
  5. Students should utilize their EGSC email accounts ONLY for academic work and communication 往来于官方学院单位. 所有来自EGSC的重要邮件都是 只发送到学生的电子邮件帐户. 这份函件包括帐户余额 notifications, Mid-Term grades, drop notices, registration notices and pin numbers and test registration information, bookstore correspondence and student conduct correspondence.  这是学生的责任,以确保他们的EGSC电子邮件收件箱有 可用空间接收EGSC的正式信件. 建议学生 获得其他免费电子邮件帐户(Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail)用于电子邮件的目的 与EGSC无关的通信.
  6. A student’s Email account will be closed, and all Email messages deleted for any student who has not attended classes at 十大正规网赌平台 for two consecutive semesters.

教师 & 员工电邮帐户:

  1. EGSC faculty and staff email accounts are created by the 大学’s 信息技术 一旦IT部门收到员工的“网络请求表格”.“ 表格由学院人力资源部填写并提交.  
  2. EGSC employees should utilize their EGSC email accounts ONLY for EGSC work-related 电子邮件沟通.
  3. With the exception of retired Emeritus 教师, email services are provided only while a user is employed by 十大正规网赌平台 and once a user's employment ceases their email account is locked and employees may no longer access the contents of their 邮箱. 如果员工希望使用第三方电子邮件系统(例如.e.Hotmail, 雅虎,Gmail等等.在他们的雇佣关系结束后,是雇主的责任 员工激活/设置第三方电子邮件帐户.

Any person utilizing an EGSC email account who violates any of the regulations listed 在此政策下将受到纪律处分. 请参阅“执行” 部分 十大正规网赌平台可接受使用政策 有关此问题的其他信息.